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资料名称 马尔代夫群岛 —  MALDIVES
作者 Kurt Amsler  捐赠者 潜水人 
出版单位 Swan Hill Press  出版时间 1994-0 
出版编号 ISBN 1-85310-709-3  借阅编号 01BE0045-MLDV 
介质-长度 图书  160页 语言文字 英文
类别 01.地域性海洋生态 借阅状态 不详
简介 The Maldives rise from the deep-blue waters of the Indian Ocean like a glittering emerald necklace tossed there carelessly from above. They form a barrier that stretches out for nearly nine hundred kilometers, made up of nineteen atolls and more than a thousand islets extending from North to South between Africa and India. These islands, which have been a haven for seafarers for centuries, can truly boast an eventful past and a rich history. Long Ago, the interest of would-be conquerors may have consisted entirely of possibilities for trade and stategic importance. Now, instead, it is the beauty of nature here that attacts naturalists and scuba divers from all over the world. As early as 1957, the Maldives were the destination of the great oceanographer Hans Hass with his laboratory ship the "Xarifa". The members of this expedition were thrilled at the new discoveries they made; in no other waters had they found such a variety of ocean fauna and so many coral species. They found themselves in a true underwater paradise. This book will lead the reader on a guided tour of the "kingdom of the thousand islands", showing the remarkable allure and mystery of the seabeds here, through the splendid photography and writing of Kurt Amsler. The reader will dive into the grottoes of Digalihaa, encounter schools of sharks off Mushimasmingili, or swim through the holds of the wreck of the "Maldive Victory", entering into contact with nature at her most remarkable, full of life, shapes, and colours.

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