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资料名称 加勒比海 —  CARIBBEAN
作者 Kurt Amsler  捐赠者 潜水人 
出版单位 Swan Hill Press  出版时间 1996-0 
出版编号 ISBN 1-85310-863-4  借阅编号 01BE0046-CRB 
介质-长度 图书  160页 语言文字 英文
类别 01.地域性海洋生态 借阅状态 不详
简介 The Caribbean has always held a very special fascination for its visitors who are seduced by the kindness of the locals, the mild climate and the lush, typically tropical vegetation. Its underwater universe is filled with wonders, the warm equatorial currents drivern westwards by the trade winds creating the ideal conditions for the proliferation of truly remarkable life forms. Below the surface boundless expanses of alcyonarians encircle the islands like a luxuriant, flower garden and hard corals form narrow passages and hollows teeming with surprises. Thoudands of multicoloured ifsh flock around the diver, surprised, almost overwhelmed by the amazing kaleidoscope of colours weimming around the walls of the reef. But the Caribbean can also be the scene of emotional encounters iwth larger and fearsome pelagic fish. Kurt Amsler's splendid photography and narrative take the reader on an undorgettable voyage through the secrets of the Caribbean underwater universe, including a meeting with the dolphins of Bahama Bank, another with the rays of Stingray City, a dive into the mysterious Blue Hole of Belize and a visit to the naval "cemetery" of Saint-Pierre in Martinique.

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