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资料名称 印度-太平洋地区珊瑚礁指南 —  Indo-Pacific Coral Reef Field Guide
作者 Dr.Gerald R.Allen Roger Steen  捐赠者 陈漪 
出版单位 Tropical Reef Research  出版时间 1999-0 
出版编号 ISBN 981-00-5687-7  借阅编号 01BE0048-CRL 
介质-长度 图书  378页 语言文字 英文
类别 01.地域性海洋生态 借阅状态 不详
简介 1800 color illustrations of plants, sponges, jellyfish, corals, soft corals, worms, shrimps, crabs, seashells, nudibranchs, octopus, starfish, sea urchins, holothurians, ascidians, fishes, sea snakes, turtles, birds, marine mammals, and more!
Explore...the exciting realm of nature's exquisite masterpiece, the living coral reef. From the shores of Hawaii to the Red Sea and all points between this comprehensive volume is designed for divers, beachcombers, marine aquarists, orjust plain nature lovers. Containing 1800 color illustrations, it provides quick and easy identification of commonly encountered coral reef organisms from seaweeds to dolphins. This handsome reference was specifically prepared to cater for the traveller...very compact, yet providing in-depth coverage. It will certainly add another dimension to your coral reef holiday.

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