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资料名称 海洋生物 —  Ocean Life
作者 Sally Morang, Pauline Lalor  捐赠者 陈漪 
出版单位 PRC Publishing Ltd  出版时间 2002-0 
出版编号 ISBN 1-85648-591-9  借阅编号 01BE0049-OL 
介质-长度 图书  512页 语言文字 英文
类别 01.地域性海洋生态 借阅状态 不详
简介 Seen from space, Earth is a blue planet. Oceans cover nearly three quarters of its surface and plunge to depths of six kilometres (3.5miles) or more. Compared with land, this watery world is hardly explored, yet it is more complex than any land-based ecosystem--the oceans of the world are teeming with life. The sea's intricate food webs support more life by weight and a greater diversity of animals than anywhere else on the planet, from sulphur-eating bacteria clustered around deep-sea vents to fish that light up like a neon sign to lure their prey. From the shallows of the shoreline, where the world's vast seas meet the land, to the deepest depths of mighty canyons on the sea floors, nature has managed to fill every possible niche with a creature admirable suited to their watery home. From enormous and graceful whales to the tiniest passively floating micro-organisms, the rich variety of life beneath the seas is almost unimaginalbe; yet to many of us land-dwelling humans our planet is Earth, which could be seen to imply that it is exclusively composed of soil, in which plants grow and on which animals live. Dry land seems to many to be the norm and indeed, strange as it may seem in this day and age, when travel has never been easier, there are still people living in parts of the world who have never seen the ocean.

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