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资料名称 海中巨人 —  Giants of the Sea
作者 Andrew Cleave  捐赠者 陈漪 
出版单位 Smithmark Publishers Inc  出版时间 1997-0 
出版编号 ISBN 0-7651-9196-2  借阅编号 04BE0054-WHD 
介质-长度 图书  144页 语言文字 英文
类别 04.鲸豚等海洋哺乳动物 借阅状态 不详
简介 The mysterious world under the mighty ocean holds such vast, and often rare, creatures as the giant squid and clam, the venomous, tentacled Portuguese man-of-war, sharks, whales, and many more. Take a fascinating trip beneath the waves with this volume, filled with 154 riveting full-color photographs of the enormous denizens of the deep.

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