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资料名称 2003年潜水目的地--运动潜水杂志终极潜水 —  Dive Destinations 2003 - The ultimate guide to diving over seas from S
作者   捐赠者 陈漪 
出版单位 Sport Diver  出版时间 2003-0 
出版编号 ISBN 97714784335007/01  借阅编号 01BE0068-DD 
介质-长度 图书  226页 语言文字 英文
类别 01.地域性海洋生态 借阅状态 不详
简介 Welcome to Dive Destinations 2003, the most comprehensive guide to scuba diving around the world. For many this will be your first encounter with this informative volume, while others will have seen some of the five previous incarnations.This is an updated and reformatted version, featuring more detailed information on some of the world's best destinations. Inside you will find sections offering titbits on the majority of countries-large and small-which offer scuba diving,together with lists of tour operators, dive centres and hotels.

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